Branding is always constant to the core of your marketing.  Your brand is essentially the theme of who your business is and what it stands for in marketing products or services.  Too often people think branding is the logo and colors that make your business you, yet it is so much more unless your Microsoft or McDonalds. They can get away with nothing more than a pretty logo to be known globally.

Your brand like your mission and vision statements needs to be absolutely clear, attractive, exciting, unique, and powerful.  The power it needs is to push customers to action while still being uniquely you.  Marketing your business is much easier when you have clarity in your brand.   When you are creating your brand, you are creating a memorable marketing message that will inspire people to take action and choose you over your competitors.

While you develop your brand ask yourself the following questions

Be honest with your own answers.  

What feelings or emotions does your business inspire in you and in your customers? 

Did you know that peoples’ decision to buy is based on emotions, not facts?

Think about how you present yourself, not just on your website but when people see you, talk to you on the phone, or read your email. Is your marketing constantly saying what you want it to?

Are people getting confusing messages from you, or is it clear from the start what you do?

Think like your potential customer, try to get inside their head and see your products or services from their point of view. How do they experience what you do, and how does it make them feel?

What is it you do that makes you stand out from the crowd?

What are your best abilities, do you know your greatest strengths?

Ultimately, creating a strong, memorable, compelling, and meaningful brand is essential for successful marketing and something you can do with a bit of thought.

For more reading and effective branding check out one of my favorite book’s that can help transform the way you speak about yourself, your business, and the uniqueness you bring to others: Building A Story Brand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen