Start off with optimizing your profile, so others in the same industry can find you.  Growing a large LinkedIn following takes time and constant update.  A wise woman once told me a resume is a living document of your career and education achievements. Take this one step further to LinkedIn, and realize constant maintenance and updating is needed to stay relevant to the industry.

Validate experiences with skills, recommendations, and endorsements.  No one wants information from a novice.  They want to learn from others who have walked the walk, not just those who can talk the talk.  These areas in LinkedIn also help display your strengths which helps you to be an authority on topics at hand.

Building your network and raising your connection numbers also helps to build your personal brand awareness.  Everyone has a personal brand.  Its call you.  Dedicate time to network and join groups within your industry to gain more connections.   Groups are great for engaging with other professionals and gain valuable insights.  If you do not know which groups to join, ask colleagues for references and what groups they participate in to help break the ice. Posting on your page with relevant information regularly with professionalism and achievements help an audience keep up with you while watching you become a known expert in the field 

Sharing your ideas, tips, and other information in small posts and updates regularly can gain more engagements.  Even sharing a simple blog post can generate follower engagements and new connections.  Posting relevant articles you have read or find interesting may also trigger others to share information with you as they have high interest in your post.  Mixing up the content from words to photographs with a small tip and to longer thought filled postings will bring anticipation for your next post.

When creating content for LinkedIn, remember to cross-promote other social media sites and your website.  The audience or new connection may learn more about you from your website than your LinkedIn profile.   Share links to other content platforms.  Building a presence is an essential element of becoming an authority.