Target marketing is one of the most effective ways to gain potential new clients or consumers because it sets specific parameters to the audience the business or product is geared toward.  In target marketing, there are four primary segments to define such as geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral. Otherwise said, target consumers based on gender and age are a type of demographic segment to identify clients. To identify your prospects, you need to put in the work and research.

The essential key is to identify your target market.  Who is best suited for this product or service? Is the product more age or gender specific? Is the product or service constrictive to a specific location and would be geared to geographic areas? 

What is it that gives target marketing the power? Simply demonstrated, if you have a rowing boat filled with rowers all going on their own terms to whatever direction they want without common interest the boat would not go anywhere while maximum efforts of each individual are wasted.  When we define the specifics of common interests, the rowers would align to propel the boat in the same direction therefore creating a target of where it’s going.  By targeting a specific audience with common interests it enables you to avoid wasting marketing efforts, time, or money.   

You can find a detailed demographic on the Census Bureau’s website.

Reading Suggestions: The Ultimate Marketing Plan